Computer terminals are available to all library users on a first come, first served basis. These computers are equipped with Internet access and many basic software programs including Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher and PowerPoint, adobeacrobatreader, Skype, Dropbox, 边缘, Google Chrome and Firefox.
在主皇冠大全买球, computers are located in the Tech Center on the main floor, and in the Reference area on 2nd floor. Computers for youth (with filtered Internet access) are available in the Children’s Department and Teen Zone.
- 你需要一个 Library Card Number and PIN
- 访问ors may print a temporary computer pass at the SmartPay kiosk in the Tech Center or on 2nd floor
For computer assistance, please see the librarians on the 2nd floor.
Need to take a laptop into one of our small meeting spaces, but don’t have a laptop of your own? chrome笔记本 are now available for checkout at the 2nd floor reference desk for in-library use.
Checking out a Chromebook:
- To check out a Chromebook, you must have an adult 图书卡 信誉良好. 请看2nd floor reference desk for checkout options if you do not have a 图书卡.
- chrome笔记本 can be checked out for up to 4 hours at a time, once per day. There is no charge to check out.
- 请 皇冠大全买球 to reserve a Chromebook for a specific day and time.
- 请 return the Chromebook on time as others may be waiting to use it.
- The replacement charge for a lost, damaged or stolen Chromebook is $500. This amount will be reported to a collection agency.
chrome笔记本 should never leave the building or be left unattended. Removal of the device constitutes theft, for which the library may prosecute. Patrons are responsible for any damage that occurs to the Chromebook while it is checked out to them, including theft from inside the library if left unattended.
Files stored on each Chromebook are automatically deleted when the device is powered off or the session is ended. We strongly recommend using a USB flash drive or cloud storage like Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox to store your files.
Free wireless Internet access is available throughout the main library in downtown Casper. Choose the network called "NCPL Public".
Our WiFi2Go Program provides internet access to families and households that lack these 服务s by allowing patrons to check out free mobile hotspots for at-home use just as they would check out any other item from the Library.
The WiFi2Go mobile hotspot is easy to use – just turn it on, and you are ready to connect up to 15 devices to the internet. Patrons must have an adult 图书卡 信誉良好 to participate in this program.
There are several ways to reserve a WiFi2Go mobile hotspot:
When a WiFi2Go mobile hotspot becomes available, we’ll notify you and you’ll have three days to come in and check it out at the library just as you would a book or DVD. 一旦结帐, you can borrow the hotspot for up to two weeks. Renewal is not available.
Hotspots are subject to a $15 de-activation charge if overdue. Hotspots are also subject to lost or damaged charges. If you lose the hotspot or damage it beyond repair, we will charge a $100 fee to your library account. If you lose or damage a case or charger, we will charge a $15 fee to your library account.
复制 machines are located on the main floor near the building’s south entrance (atrium), and on the 2nd floor across from the elevator.
- 黑色的 & white copies – 10 cents per page
- Color copies – 25 cents per page
A self-serve fax machine is available on the 2nd floor of the main library. Users may use a credit card via the machine, or purchase a cash card at the Reference desk. 价格如下:
- $1.75 -第一页
- $1.00 -以下页面
- $0.每页10元
- Library Fax # (307) 266-3734
- Received faxes may be picked up at the Reference desk
印刷 is available to all library computer users. The printers are located on the main floor and 2nd floor.
- 黑色的 & white prints – 10 cents per page
- Color prints – 25 cents per page
chrome笔记本 and personal devices can print using the Library’s 无线打印 服务.